SWAMP Sunday 13th November – Rope Tying & Toy Buying!

How is everyone doing? We’re part way through a five-week month and it already feels like ages since the last SWAMP.

This month it feels like we’re having another ‘return of’ moment for the bondage workshop, after the last attempt in September fell victim to road closures around the venue. So if you’re interested in rope bondage there’s all the more reason to come along and make up for it by tying/getting tied up for the afternoon on the 13th. The workshop starts at 2.30pm in the public dungeon space and runs until 5pm. Entry is £10 which includes entry to the market and evening party, or just £7 if you arrive before 2pm.

Lots of traders this month – the market’s steadily growing month by month – the traders need your support so if you can, buy from them rather than online, to ensure we make it worthwhile for their return and in so doing keeping the market vibrant.

With traders in mind we also have a small demo staged by one of our vendors – Kerry from Cotswold Wood Art this month. He will be demonstrating how to look after your wooden impact toys correctly – including a very helpful guide on what you should do if you’ve been a little heavy handed in play or with your storage. The demo will start at 3pm in the back dungeon alongside his stall, with a workshop running throughout the afternoon where everyone is welcome to bring in any items you would like his expert advice on, whoever they were made by – how good is that?

See you soon…can’t wait…

SWAMP Sunday October 9th 2022 – Breath Play Demo

Everything’s looking good for the October SWAMP this coming Sunday. Now the weather’s changing, what better way to chill out than with a whole load of the regions finest kinky people? The club has a new heating/cooling system installed so it’s much easier to keep it at just the right temperature. We’ve lots of traders for you this month, including Seven Sin, a company specialising in latex clothing, which is something we’ve been asked for for a while. You can find out who’s attending by clicking here.

This month’s demo is all about breath play – a very interesting form of edge play which has a lot of admirers but not something we normally allow at SWAMP. In the capable hands of Mistress 44X it’s sure to be very entertaining. She will be looking at the origins and history of Erotic Asphyxiation (breath play). The different ways it can be achieved whilst understanding the dangers that are present with the fetish.

It will focus on the safety aspects and know what to do in case of an emergency. This form of BDSM play is extremely dangerous and can be fatal. It is therefore imperative that all risks are taken into consideration before participating in this fetish.

The demo will start at 3pm and last approximately 45 minutes.

SWAMP Sunday 11th September 2022

Just under two weeks to go until the September 11th SWAMP. This month we have our afternoon Rope Workshop from 2.30pm until 5pm. Entry to the rope workshop is now included in the price of a £10 all day ticket, or £7 if bought before 2pm.

There is also FREE ENTRY to the market if you arrive before 2pm. So come along early and make a day of it, there’s lots of new products to browse through.

In the evening the popular needleplay workshop returns, run by Edgyyyyy Designs, and we also have a new wax workshop for you during the evening run by Amanda and Rob from Bound In Submission & Leather, in addition to our regular violet wand workshop with Mister Rol. Lots going on!

We would like to remind everyone that play in both the public and private dungeons is subject to SWAMP rules, and our Dungeon Monitors are instructed to step in should any play not conform to those guidelines. It really is very simple; our rules may differ to what you do at home or elsewhere, and it doesn’t matter how experienced you are – if your method of play doesn’t fit with our rules, please do not be offended if asked to moderate or cease play.

Sunday July 10th – Rope & Traders Frenzy!

Hi all,

Jahc and Richard Rope are back this month after their extended Covid break. They are limbering up, getting ready to welcome both newcomers and seasoned SWAMP string flingers, to oversee basic to expert skill sharing in the Peer Rope Workshop. The workshop starts at 2.30pm in the Demo/Public Dungeon area and runs until 5pm. If you’re not quite sure about getting physically involved, we’ve a large viewing area to just watch their creativity unfold.

For the first time since our return from Covid I’m pleased to say we have a healthy number of traders. You can check out who’s attending by clicking here. I think we’ve always brought a good balanced selection of BDSM items to your attention, but now there’s an even wider choice. There’s a good mix of custom, handmade and mass-produced goods for every budget, and your purchases, no matter how small, mean that the dedicated traders can offset some of the horrendous fuel prices we are all facing at the moment. Plus, remember that SWAMP is doing its bit to try and offset some of yours by offering free entry to the market if you arrive before 2pm, or a discounted all-day ticket at just £7.

Much as we want everyone to be in party/socialising mode during the evening do remember that if you are wanting to use the dungeons or needle workshop, then you would be advised to wait until after you’ve used those before drinking excessively. Our Dungeon Monitors/Workshop Leaders are very keen and will turn you away if they suspect you’ve drunk too much, which is what they have been instructed to do.

The afternoon dungeon area will be open as usual this month, but I’m unsure of its future as it very rarely gets used as it should, and I’m looking to create space for more lovely traders. Let me know if you’ve strong feelings either way.

Once again, I was amazed by some of the photos taken at our resident studio Paintbox After Dark last month. I’ve recently set up a new SWAMP profile on Instagram and look forward to seeing some of their work on there (posted by those who are happy to share of course). Our profile can be found by clicking here.

Sunday June 12th – A Demo For The Postman & Regular Pricks

Our demo this month is a real interesting one – Elastic Band Bondage and Torture. If you’re friends with your local postie then you’ll be sorted for the equipment, all you’ll need is a bit of advice and teaching from -MrSharpe- with regards to getting some body parts entwined and you’ll be good to go. Pull it back and… Twang! – lots of lovely bruises guaranteed. I last saw this around 10 years ago and take it from me, it’s a lot more painful than it sounds!

After the success of last month’s Needle Play Demo, we are pleased to be hosting a regular workshop at the SWAMP evening party. James & Niki of Edgyyyyy_Designs will be practising and advising on this much asked about topic every month from June. It’s going to be a popular attraction.

We’ve a couple more new traders for you this month. Some are exclusive to SWAMP and we hope you’ll reward their dedication to their craft. A lot of you will have noticed some impressive pics of your friends come up on your feed taken by our resident photo studio PaintboxStudio. If you’re thinking of getting a photo done – kinky or otherwise, I can highly recommend their work. They will be at the evening party from 7pm onwards.

Once again, we are offering free market & demo entry to everyone who makes it along before 2pm, or the option to buy a full day and evening ticket for just £7. Crazy deal!

Last but not least, I am very pleased to be able to tell you that starting next month (July 10th) our much-missed Rope Workshop will be returning with Jahc and RichardRope at the helm. More on that next month. It’s been a while…

May Madness – Needles & Money Saving Schemes!

Just under two weeks to go so time to let you know what’s up for May. This month’s demo will be:

An Introduction to Needle Play and will be presented by @Edgyyyyy_miyake along with @Mistress44X – the presenter of last month’s Back to Basics demo. They will be covering basic sharps safety, obtaining and disposal of supplies, needle and staple techniques as well as a look at predicament sharps play. The demo will also include some creative designs and needle zippers. They will be hosting a taster sharps workshop at the end for anyone wanting to have a try. If this is something enough people are interested in, it might be possible to hold this workshop on a regular basis in the future. There will be a limited number of seats available so make sure you get here early if you want one…

…which leads me seamlessly into a new trial we are starting on the 8th which involves changes to our current entry charges. Believe it or not we are not increasing our entry fees but rather reducing them for the earlybirds amongst you. Anyone who arrives before 2pm will have the option to either get a market ticket for FREE covering the hours of 1pm – 6.30pm, or a full day and evening ticket for just £7, saving you £3 off the usual entry price of £10. There are a number of reasons for trialling this; 1. we would like to see a better attendance early on to hopefully attract more traders, 2. we would like to have an early start for our demos to allow more workshop time after them, and 3. this will hopefully be a way of offsetting everyone’s increasing travel costs. There are a couple of points to note though – only one ticket can be bought per person, so if you are one of the few who like to pay for a friend or partner to come along later you will need to pay the usual full ticket price for them.

Despite numerous requests over the years for us to have a professional photographer at SWAMP, only a few people made the decision to get their photos taken professionally last month, which is nowhere near enough to make it a viable regular facility, so if it’s something you’ve wanted to do, don’t forget to visit the Paintbox After Dark photography studio in the evening. They’d love to help you make the most of your SWAMP memories.

We’re still building the market back up after the two-year hiatus, so please come along and check out our quality selection of traders, some of whom travel a fair distance to be with us and share their passion for the lifestyle with you. You can see who’s coming to the next event by visiting our ‘Confirmed Traders’ page under the ‘Market’ tab.


Since we’ve come back from our Covid ‘holiday’ we’ve been really pleased to see lots of newbies arrive, all eager to find out more about the kink lifestyle. This has made us realise that we need to get some information out to help educate everyone to the good and bad way to do our stuff. With that in mind the Demo for April will be:

BDSM Basics: Impact Play Safe Zones and Spanking Tips.
The Demo will focus on the areas of the body that are safe to strike and the areas to avoid. We will be looking at the anatomy of spanking and some of the implements used in impact play and their purpose.
It will be very ably presented by Mistress 44X, whose much lauded authoritative skills demonstrated every month at the Bridgend Munch, will ensure that no-one is talking at the back while the demo is running!
The demo will start at 3pm and run for at least 45 minutes, after which there will be time for questions, and quite often further one-to-one demonstrations on the topic. As usual there will be a limited number of seats available so if you want one come along in plenty of time to nab one. If you’d rather stand there is plenty of room available. Anyone with a £3 afternoon market ticket is free to watch.

We’re still building the market back up after the two-year hiatus, so please come along and check out our quality selection of traders, some of whom travel a fair distance to be with us and share their passion for the lifestyle with you.

Anyone who came along last month will have noticed our public dungeon area has increased in size due to a redesign and removal of the DJ booth. This meant we were able to space the equipment better, as well as being able to add more rope mats, although it also means we may have to buy more for when the Rope Workshop returns! One big improvement was the fitting of a new floor in there – now there’s no excuse not to wear those 5” heels!

From April there will now be a professional photo booth at the evening party, something we’ve been asked about for a while but always put on the back burner. This will be provided by Paintbox After Dark and will be in a totally screened off area. They’ll be only too pleased to hear from you if you have always wanted to be professionally shot in your fetish finery, or even in nothing at all! They’ll be positioned near to the public dungeon entrance so ideal if you were wanting to have some of your rope handiwork or marks from play immortalised.

This won’t affect our usual dedicated photo area – that will still be available for your informal snaps, or checking texts etc. Please remember that mobile phones are not to be used anywhere outside of that area at SWAMP – we will be checking!

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 10th!

SWAMP March 13th – Waxplay Demo

Normally March would see us back into our Rope Workshop, however, our rope team are not able to come back to us as yet (hinting at a potential return in May). We have therefore arranged for March to be another demo month, and this time we have a demo provided by one of our very own traders – Bound in Leather and Submission – who, as well as having their stall, will also be providing a demo in the contradictory sensual and painful erotic art of Wax Play (and if the tradition of our demo’s continue, then a small workshop is likely to follow). Demo time usually around 3pm.

Additionally, we have our usual traders of Edgyyyyy Designs and Dirty Sexy Words, who between them will be covering all aspects of impact tools, and erotic books

As a special addition this month, we have a new trader – Paintbox Studio’s – who will be setting up a ‘pop-up’ photo studio at the venue, and will be offering professional photo portraits/series of photo shoots etc on the day. So if you’ve always wanted a professional portrait taken in your finest fetish wear, rope bondage, best dresses, maid outfits, kinky gear, fully made up or simply want a nice portrait taken on your own or with your partner, then this stall is for you. Prices naturally depend on what and how much you want done. So bring along your best dress up gear and pose for the moment. For those who may be worried about cameras being at the event, the photos taken will naturally be limited to the enclosed studio area and not anywhere else in the venue.

We continue to have a small number of traders, but please continue your support for the market and make an effort to keep it going. The Market section of Swamp opens at 1pm and usually runs until @6.30pm.

Also, don’t forget that OMG is no longer opening as their own club on a Sunday night, so Swamp’s closing returns to our usual time of Midnight, with the dungeons closing around the 10.30/10.45pm.

Swamp; part market, part munch, part party, part educational/practical workshops, part gathering, but most importantly, all fun. A place where you can be comfortable and relaxed being whoever/whatever you would like to be.

Swamp Sunday 13th March 2022 OMG Club, Frog Lane, Bristol – with our usual traders, day dungeon, after market play party, private dungeon, and photography area, there are so many reasons to come early and stay for the entire event.

February & Fire!

February is best known for two major things – it’s the last full month of winter, and also the month of Valentine, fiery passion, lust and hot luuurrrrvve.

Over the many years, a fire theme has become somewhat of a tradition with the Swamp event in February, so what better way to warm those cold hands/bodies and fan those flames of passion by joining us on Sunday 13th, for our February demo on alternative ways to keep warm with our old flames – The Fire Crew.

The Fire Crew – Hyperbolt, Grippa, lil_emily (and maybe a few others) will be here with one of our most popular, entertaining and visually stunning demo’s of the year. From mid afternoon and (usually) until the end of the evening, the gang are more than happy to singe, dab, burn, and caress your body with various torches and body burning. If this is something you have not yet tried, we can heartily recommend it, and if this is something you have not yet seen, we highly recommend it! The demo usually starts around 14.45-15.00hrs.

And while you are there, why not browse and enjoy our small selection of traders (see Swamp website for a list of expected traders). Remember, it is your support of the market section of Swamp, that enables it to continue.

We are aware that all the Covid restrictions have now come to an end in England (and pretty much an end in both Wales and Scotland), so we cannot demand a Covid Passport or Negative LFT in order to enter. However, common sense must prevail, and naturally we would prefer you to have a Covid Passport, or have taken a LFT prior to attending, and – as always – do not attend should you have any of the well documented symptoms. As previous, we have hand gel available at the door, along with a face masks. We are quite happy if people want to wear a face mask whilst at the venue.

So whether you are a regular, newbie or returnee, come along to one of the friendliest fetish market/party events in the UK.

Swamp, part market, part munch, part party, part educational/practical workshops, part gathering, but most importantly, all fun. A place where you can be comfortable and relaxed being whoever/whatever you would like to be.

Swamp Sunday 13th February 2022 OMG Club, Frog Lane, Bristol – so many reasons to come early and stay for the entire event.

January 9th 2022

Over the years, Swamp occasionally had an educational interactive presentation/discussion on a particular subject (Household Bondage, Household S&M, History of BDSM, Life of a Pro Domme), whilst we haven’t done one for a while, Captivated_Rose has stepped forward to provide a 30-40min presentation/discussion on “Disabilities in Kink” how you can adapt play for a disabled person, worries/fears, neurodivergencies etc – and considering the current topic of diversity and equality is big in the media at the moment, it should prove both interesting and thought provoking.

AND …..

Whip_cracker has also stepped forward to provide a demo, and is currently undecided on whether it will be impact 101 or whips. Now he’s not given too much away at the moment but if he does decide on the whips, in the past we have had fire whips, neon/ultra violet whips, bullwhips, single tails, whip wrapping and whip stunts – and he always keeps the demo details quite close to his chest, which makes things more spectacular on the actual day. If he goes with Impact Play 101, it will be an interesting, informative, educational (and likely interactive) time for people of all stages and experience.

Captivated_Rose presentation/discussion will start @14.30
Whip_cracker Impact 101 or Whip demo will start @15.30