June – Introduction To Hair Fetish

Our demo this month is on a topic we’ve not presented before, so we’re really looking forward to finding out more. An Introduction To Hair Fetish will be presented by Beautiful Erotica – we’ll let her explain more:

“For many of us the idea of Hair Fetish is a new one. Discovering this topic a few years ago has led me down a very interesting, long rabbit hole. I find Hair Fetish to be a fascinating topic and would love to share its joy and intrigue with you.

This workshop will introduce you to the topic and the various kinks under the umbrella of the term “Hair Fetish”. Once you’ve started thinking about hair, hair play and hair fetish you’ll see it everywhere, most likely find parts of it in your life too.

There will be a demonstration of basic hair play, techniques, tools and hair products. Afterwards there will be a time where you will be able to try out what you’ve learnt if you would like to. It is always your choice on how you participate. Everything to do with your body depends entirely on your comfort level.

It is not necessary to attend with someone but it is a very enjoyable workshop for couples. Wear what you like but would recommend bringing your own brush or comb. It is a very interactive workshop where questions and comments are always welcome throughout; there will be a dedicated time at the end for this as well.”

Sounds interesting…

Please check out our June confirmed traders list – we’re hoping you’ll give a warm welcome to jamesmaikes having his first time trading at SWAMP.

This month’s evening party sees our regular bi-monthly Wax Play Station brought to you by Amanda & Rob of Bound In Leather & Submission.

Looking forward to sharing good times…

2024, January SWAMP & the departure of Rol…

My first post of the New Year, and I am very sorry to have to start with the news that a good friend and SWAMP team member Roland, known as Mister Rol/ Papa Rol passed away unexpectedly on Boxing Day. It’s been incredibly difficult to get a hold on this, so I feel sure you will join me in sending huge hugs and best wishes to his wife & fellow team member @cat_kat, while she comes to terms with his departure.
For anyone unable to quite match the person to the name, he was the guy sharing his love for Violet Wands every month at SWAMP, whilst also DMing and helping the evening run smoothly for everyone. Outside of SWAMP he was a very level-headed and passionate campaigner for human rights in its many varied forms. We’ve lost a much-valued team member & friend – in the wider context the community is a poorer place without him.

Going into 2024 we’re looking forward to meeting new friends and catching up with everyone who supported SWAMP throughout 2023, and as we move into the 20th year of SWAMP, we hope to help introduce many more people to the wonderful world of BDSM.

On January 14th we have our bi-monthly Bondage Workshop (see separate thread [here][https://fetlife.com/groups/18907/posts/26042962]), more quality traders in our daytime market, and a needleplay workshop run by @Mr_Mrs_Edgyyyyy taking place alongside our two dungeons in the evening (thread [here][https://fetlife.com/groups/18907/posts/26171068]).

Thinking of joining the BDSM/fetish scene in 2024? There’s no better time than right now. We look forward to welcoming you…

Whip_crackers Christmas Cracker & Raffle Prizes For December…

It’s time for the final SWAMP of 2023, and time to update everyone with the treats we have in store for you on Sunday 10th December.

As regular attendees will know, Whip_cracker has done many legendary demos for SWAMP over the years, and as we haven’t managed to host one this year, now seems the perfect time. “Whip_crackers Christmas Cracker” will showcase impact and sensation play his way – a run through Impact 101, Spanking, Paddles, Canes, Floggers and Whips with some sensual play thrown in to add to the fun. The demo/show will start at 3pm and there’ll be a limited number of seats available so get here early if you’d like one of those – there’ll be plenty of standing room available too.

Everyone who buys a market ticket or all-day wristband before 4pm will be given a raffle ticket. A draw will take place at 5pm, with the winners getting to choose from a number of prizes kindly donated by our generous traders. Prizes put forward so far are:

  1. A weighted impact hammer in the shape of a paw, donated by @sanctuaryofsin.
  2. A waxy pull-up red flogger, donated by @Edgyyyyy_Designs.
  3. A cheeky little restraint bar from Iron Unicorn/Midnight Unicorn.
  4. A pair of custom-made bracelets from @bracesluts.
  5. A custom day collar made for you by Rosendoll Studios.
  6. A monster shaped elastic band flicker from @DeliciousEvilnes
  7. UV candle set inc. UV torch from @Wolf-Wax-Candles
  8. £10 off voucher from Dirty Sexy Words @madamezak
  9. Flogger from @Bound_BY_Lust
  10. A ‘Lizard’ from @Bound-in-Leather

Pics of these items can be seen on our FetLife profile page here.

In addition to our two dungeon spaces in the evening, Amanda and Rob from Bound in Leather & Submission will be running their bi-monthly wax workshop – so if you’ve ever wanted to have a try or have any questions they will be only too pleased to help. I believe it’s Amanda’s birthday too!

Darker Nights Are Coming…

…and with them out come the ghoulies and reprobates to the SWAMP October 8th event! For the first time ever we are holding a Halloween optional theme for anyone who wants an excuse to dress up. If you’re looking to finish off your outfit with a bit of panache, we have a face paint artist trading this month – you could get creative and team your face paint with some hair tinsels too?

We’ve John from Wolf Wax Candles presenting a Wax Play demonstration & workshop at 3pm alongside the market, which this month includes a number of new traders showing off their stuff. I’ve just updated the traders list here for you to have a look – it’s a damn fine list too – ideal for browsing and collecting ideas for the C word coming up in just over 11 weeks!

Of course, you could always just splash out and spend the money on something for yourself – we all need a bit of self-loving from time to time right?

July 9th Collaring Celebration & Smart Watch Alert

Come and celebrate more than just summer on the 9th July at SWAMP…

To start things off we are very pleased to be hosting a Collaring Ceremony at 1pm and the main participants are happy to have everyone join them for their celebration. This will take place in the demo/workshop area. As this is taking place before 2pm there will be no charge for entry but you will still need to pick up a ticket at the front desk before entering.

Our bi-monthly bondage workshop takes place at 2.30pm and runs alongside our vibrant fetish market. Entry to the workshop is £10 (or £7 if you arrive before 2pm) which also gives you access to the market and evening party.

A new problem was brought to our attention last month during the bondage workshop by one of our friends. During our last bondage workshop, whilst being tied, she felt her watch vibrating on her wrist, but didn’t pay any attention thinking the caller could call back later. Once untied she discovered it was her watch trying to contact with the emergency contacts or I.C.E numbers in her phone, thinking she had taken a fall. Fortunately, her phone didn’t have a signal in the venue so failed to connect. As she said, – ‘imagine that conversation with your mother!’ Her watch is an I-Phone 5, but they are now up to I-Phone 8, and they are even more sensitive and only give about a few seconds response time before they make calls for you.

So we would advise anyone with a smart watch that has this facility to remove it before taking part in any activity at SWAMP that could trigger an emergency call. Our cloakroom is very secure and constantly manned throughout the day if you are wanting to put it somewhere safe.

Not long now until Sunday – good times are just around the corner!

SWAMP June 11th – Good Times Continue…

So who’s looking forward to Sunday so we can create good times again – we definitely are! For June we have a Wrestling Demo presented by XWX Workshops at 2.30pm. To quote them:

“Have you ever been into or curious about ultimate surrender, or evolved fights, or kinky wrestling in general. Well come along to SWAMP, watch people enjoy the kink, ask questions, and if you’re still curious to know more join us for a mini workshop where we’ll cover the ins & outs of safety along with the skills used in the activity. You’ll learn new ways to enjoy rough foreplay.

If you’re interested in taking part in the mini workshop this’ll run for approximately 2hrs from 3-5pm. Please bring sports/active wear with you & arrive shower fresh. If you have any sort of fragile skin, please cover this up. Cut your nails – both toes & fingernails to a safe length. Whilst the workshop requires a level of fitness, it is open to all – interested or curious, and you can take part in as little or as much of the workshop as you like.

We look forward to rumblin’ with you.”

The £3 market ticket allows free entry into the demo and workshop, and if you arrive before 2pm it’s FREE!

The demo/workshop will run alongside our vibrant market, which seems to be getting busier with each month – we’ve definitely got enough quality traders to keep you busy throughout the afternoon. Please come along and support their hard work – it’s very much a cottage industry and you can feel happy knowing your support is very much appreciated by each and every one of them.

The evening party starts at 7pm and this month we have our Wax Workshop curated by Amanda & Rob from Bound In Submission & Leather. From this month we’ll have a dedicated area to take your close-ups of your wax handi-work too, so we look forward to seeing those pics on here during the following days. That’s in addition to our Violet Wand table and whatever else people decide to entertain us with!

Good times indeed…

April’s Demo & Changes To Dungeon Times

Have you ever wanted to fling a flogger, play with a paddle or sling a single tail? This month the f3werks team will be giving a basic introduction to impact play styles using different toy types. This will include a basic break down of how to use the toys, safety tips and the anatomy of how the toys are made. Entry to the demo is included in the £3 daytime market ticket price – or FREE if you come along before 2pm!

April’s event falls on the 9th, which this year happens to be part of the Easter Bank Holiday weekend. SWAMP will be taking place on the 9th as usual, but there will be a change to the finishing times of both of our dungeons, as well as our event. Our dungeons will now finish at 10pm instead of 11pm, with SWAMP finishing at 11pm instead of midnight. This is due to OMG wanting to open themselves at 11pm. This is not just a change for April though, but for every month until further notice. We have arranged for anyone who wishes to remain socialising at OMG to be able to do so without paying an additional entry price, but you will need to swap your SWAMP wristband for an OMG one at the  entrance at 11pm.

Fiery Fetish Fun For February 12th!

How is everyone? It’s been a 5 week month and seems like ages since the last SWAMP, we hope you’re all fireting fit and ready to embrace the February SWAMP.

For any newcomers out there (and I’m very pleased to say there are many), then you are in for a real treat this Sunday as SWAMP plays host to Nick, Grippa et al (the fire crew) for their entertaining and informative annual demo on Fireplay. We say demo but it always evolves into a workshop as it’s very rare for them to finish by 5pm, such is their enthusiasm for the topic. If you have any questions about fireplay these are the people to talk to, as they have over twenty years of experience to draw on. Proceedings will start at 3pm, so get here early if you want a seat, or to have a wander around our vibrant market first.

Speaking of which, we have a great selection this month. Seven Sin Latex are back to show you their latest creations, and Deadly Desires Kink Art will hopefully make it this time, after car trouble in December halted their attendance in December. Click here for the current list. The fun doesn’t stop with the daytime – aside from the fire crew hopefully hanging around for some play in the public dungeon, we also have @Mr_Mrs_Edgyyyyy‘s Needle Play workshop, @Papa-Rol‘s violet wand workshop, and a welcome return of our waxplay workshop, kindly put on by Amanda & Rob of @Bound-in-Leather.

From this month anyone buying a full day/party ticket will now be provided with a wristband rather than a ticket, which will make it easier for those that like to pop in and out for a smoke or a phone call – can we remind everyone that there are no mobile phones allowed inside SWAMP for everyone’s privacy, although we do provide a dedicated area inside the venue where you are free to use them.

That’s it for now – see you all Sunday!

Xmas SWAMP! – It’s Here Again!

December! Xmas SWAMP! How did that happen?

It’s now been a full year since we started back after the COVID break, and we’re getting ready for a big turn-out to watch our now traditional Burlesque and Pole Show put on by @SailorSeb and her team. Get here early if you’d like a seat – in fact get here early to browse through our increasing number of traders, selling everything from impact toys to decorative art pieces. Take a look who’s attending by clicking here.

Our regular trader Bound In Leather & Submission has a birthday to celebrate and has a raffle ticket for everyone who makes a purchase with the chance of winning a custom flogger, dragon tail, or snake tongue.

The evening party will have our dedicated needle play and violet wand tables, running alongside our two well equipped dungeon areas. Come along and celebrate a whole years’ worth of uninterrupted SWAMPS with the regions finest kinksters!

We’ll have sweets and chocolates for everyone too!