November 11th 2018 – Ropes!

Halloween has come and gone, winter is rapidly approaching, but before we commence the countdown to Christmas, we have November – a time for fireworks, rockets and bonfires.

Due to the great market attendance last month, we are pleased to report a healthy number of traders again for this month. Please continue your support for the market and make an effort to keep it going. Christmas is only 8 weeks or so away, always a good idea to get those pressie ideas in early. The Market section of Swamp opens at 1pm and usually runs until @6pm.

After the well received Whip Demo last month, we alternate back into our popular Rope Workshop territory for November, (so please keep an eye out for an information posting by the Peer Rope Bondage Workshop for full details, descriptions, and times etc). Whether you are a total novice, or a more experienced player in the binding art, the rope workshop will have something special for you all.

Last month, sadly, due to illness, the electrical workshop had to be cancelled. However we are hopeful that our trader colleagues at Painful Pleasures have made a healthy recovery, and November will see the return of a workshop for all things electrical. I know a number of new people showed interest last month. So for those with a taste for electrical play, or anyone simply curious, why not come along.

Please note that due to the traditional Remembrance Day Parade/March, certain sections of Bristol City Centre roads will be closed off until lunchtime, but usually return to normal by around midday.

Swamp; part market, part munch, part party, part educational/practical workshops, part gathering, but most importantly, all fun. A place where you can be comfortable and relaxed being whoever/whatever you would like to be.

Swamp Sunday 11th November 2018 OMG Club, Frog Lane, Bristol – with our usual traders, rope workshop, day dungeon, after market play party, electrical play workshop, and photography area, there are so many reasons to come early and stay for the entire event.

Sunday October 14th 2018- Whips (and beyond!) Demo by Whip_Cracker

For the spooky Halloween Month, we have a demo from the famous Whip_Cracker – now he’s not given too much away at the moment but in the past we have had fire whips, neon/ultra violet whips, bullwhips, single tails, whip wrapping and whip stunts – when we asked what would be demo’d for this month, he smiled enigmatically and said “Why limit things”. All we can say is – it will be visually spectacular!

We also have a number of new and returning traders this month, in fact, more than we have had in a long time (with one trader selling steel-boned corsets); along with our regular traders of Painful Pleasures, JDL for Leather, Shokushu Boutique, Mike’s Emporium etc. – SO PLEASE COME ALONG AND SUPPORT THE MARKET, and hopefully we will see them all return on a regular basis.

Along with the multiple activities during the day, we are hopeful that Painful Pleasures will continue to hold their popular workshop for all things electrical during the evening.

Swamp; part market, part munch, part party, part educational/practical workshops, part gathering, but most importantly, all fun. A place where you can be comfortable and relaxed being whoever/whatever you would like to be.

Swamp Sunday 14th October 2018 OMG Club, Frog Lane, Bristol – with our usual traders, new traders, demo’s, rope play areas, day dungeon, after market play party, and electrical play workshop there are so many reasons to come early and stay for the entire event.

Hope to see you there.

Rope time! With something rather special. May 13th.

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Shh, there there, no need to panic, there is indeed a Swamp event in May!

Yes, those April showers (more like constant downpours) are now behind us and we brazenly stride into the final month of Spring, with the hint of warmer weather to follow. It is once again time for our Swamp event.

It’s time for the Peer Bondage Workshop, May 13th.

Doors open at 1 for the market and general socialising, then the workshop starts around 2.30, running on to 5.30 or 6 or so.

Plenty of space on nice comfy mats, rope to borrow if you need. DMs around to keep things safe, help teach and generally help things along.

This time we are happy to welcome some really talented rope artists, in the form of AmeliaRoslyn, -SJamBok- and nezumibekka who will be running a kind of class of their own. As Amelia puts it:

‘Playing with rope – a (totally optional) workshop on playing with people in rope. We’ll be teaching you how to do free-form rope using only a couple of simple hitches and frictions to have fun and connective play sessions. We’ll also cover rope handling as well as body movement with tips for riggers and bunnies. The class is suitable for complete beginners as well as more experienced riggers. If you don’t have a partner you can self tie for many parts of it or partner up on the day. Bring rope and shears if you have them, we’ll start at 2.30pm in a corner of the rope area.’

Check out their pictures folks, these people are good and have a style all of their own.

There will still be plenty of space for people to do their own thing elsewhere, and the DMs will be happy to teach and introduce people as best as we can. So the usual workshop will run as well.

In the evening, Painful Pleasures will once again hold a workshop for all things electrical. So for those with a taste for electrical play, or anyone simply curious, why not come along.

Swamp; part market, part munch, part party, part educational/practical workshops, part gathering, but most importantly, all fun. A place where you can be comfortable and relaxed being whoever/whatever you would like to be.

Swamp Sunday 13th May 2018 OMG Club, Frog Lane, Bristol – with our usual traders, rope workshop, day dungeon, after market play party, and electrical play workshop there are so many reasons to come early and stay for the entire event.

Hope to see you there.

Return Of The Bondage Workshop

This month we are pleased to report the return of the Peer Rope Bondage workshop. So if you fancy ‘learning the ropes’ from beginner to more advanced, why not come along to our fun, friendly and informative workshop.

In the evening, Painful Pleasures will once again hold a workshop for all things electrical. So for those who got a taste for electrical play last month, or anyone simply curious, why not come along (I’ll even spare you the dodgy electrical puns this time!)

Swamp; part market, part munch, part party, part educational/practical workshops, part gathering, but most importantly, all fun. A place where you can be comfortable and relaxed being whoever/whatever you would like to be.

Swamp Sunday 11th March 2018 OMG Club, Frog Lane, Bristol – with our usual traders, rope workshop, day dungeon, after market play party, and electrical play workshop there are so many reasons to come early and stay for the entire event.

February Fireplay Demo 2018

With the new year now a good few weeks behind us, we gently drift into February. Cupid’s favourite month. The month of love or lurrrve, lust and fiery passions.

And what better way to warm those hearts and fan those flames of passion by joining us on Sunday 11th, for our February demo on alternative central heating with our old flames – The Fire Crew.

The Fire Crew – Hyperbolt, Grippa, Draconis666 and lil_emily will be here with one of our most popular, entertaining and visually stunning demo’s of the year. From mid afternoon and (usually) until the end of the evening, the gang are more than happy to singe, dab, burn, and caress your body with various torches. If this is something you have not yet tried, we can heartily recommend it, and if this is something you have not yet seen, we highly recommend it!

But wait, there’s more ………

As an added bonus this month, Painful Pleasures (one of our regular traders), have graciously agreed to hold a workshop in the evening for all things electrical. So for those who are interested in the electrical play side of things – from beginner to experienced, or if your curiosity has simply got the better of you, why not come along to the workshop (with no additional Charge, AMPle experience, Positive results, and discussing Current issues – yep, a shameless plug but I couldn’t resistOR getting in those electrical puns before I’m sent Ohm!)

Swamp, part market, part munch, part party, part educational/practical workshops, part gathering, but most importantly, all fun. A place where you can be comfortable and relaxed being whoever/whatever you would like to be.

Swamp Sunday February 11th February 2018 OMG Club, Frog Lane, Bristol – so many reasons to come early and stay for the entire event.

Hope to see you there.

Christmas Swamp 10th December 2017


Deck the halls, elbow the stairs and headbutt the landing ……. eleven months in the making, it’s time for the Christmas Swamp!!!

We have loads of traders, we have plenty of equipment, we have mince pies, we have chocolates, we’ll even have the usual Christmas favourites liberally sprinkled throughout Steve’s playlist.

Come and join us for the market and pick up ideas for those last minute Christmas pressie ideas with a kink flavour, join us for the party evening of the year, or why not go the whole hog(roast) and stay for the entire event.

For those who missed adding their input to the Great Swamp Questionnaire 2017 – there will be another chance to add your comments before they are all collated (with the results and changes being announced in January).

Christmas themed dress is encouraged throughout the day, so feel free to get festive!

Swamp Christmas Market and Party, Sunday 10th December 2017, OMG Club Frog Lane Bristol.

Pass the word, tell your friends, come one, come all, and if you haven’t been for a while this is a great one to come back to – there’s snow way you’ll want to miss this one!

WykD Dave and Clover Performance – September 10th

This is the event rescheduled from July.

We are most fortunate to have WykD Dave and clover coming to perform for us at September’s SWAMP.

Some of the finest performers anywhere, they will be sharing their art on stage from around 3pm. So whether you are into rope or not this is a must see event. And for the many rope enthusiasts amongst us a fantastic opportunity to learn, by watching some of the very best do what they do.

After that we can either do our regular rope workshop or Dave and Clover have offered to do a talk, depending on numbers and what seems right at the time. As usual there is no photography, please.

2017 – It’s A Good Year For SWAMP Bondage Lovers!

From February the Peer Bondage Workshops will be taking place each and every month. This won’t be instead of our bi-monthly demos but in addition to, as we’ll be making more use of the back rooms which are currently unused during the day.

You’ll be pleased to know that the cost won’t change – it’s still only £3 for entry to the workshop, market, and demo.

Proceedings will be looked after in the same responsible manner by Jahc and Richard Rope – they are a tad excited about it too 🙂

Sunday 8th January 2017 – Half Price Sale!

On January 8th you can spend 11 hours amongst the region’s finest kinksters for just £5! Market only tickets remain at £3, but for this month only you can buy a Party ticket for just £5 (which still includes free entry to the market!).

The South West Peer Bondage Workshop will be taking place this month, starting at around 2.30 and running until approximately 5pm. Anyone with a market ticket (£3) is welcome to join in.

We’re sure there are a lot of people reading this who would love to come along and make a fresh start with new kinky friends, but don’t feel confident about doing so alone. I’m sure that those who came along for the first time in 2016 are pleased they did,  and we’ll do all we can to make your first experience a happy one.

So if you’ve ever wanted to give our party a try, this month has an added incentive. The SWAMP January Half Price Sale – only £5 for a full day’s kinkery!

December 13th – Electroplay demo with Elektra-UK

The use of electricity in play is ever growing in popularity. However, it is an area where safety and awareness is very important.

Elektra-UK are electroplay dealers, distributors and demonstrators, and on Sunday December 13th will be giving a demonstration at SWAMP.

During the demo/workshop they aim to show you:

Violet wand usage, including direct and secondary contact application, training and play advice for tops and bottoms, safety and aftercare.
A demonstration of E-Stim control boxes and products, along with advice on the varying applications and capabilities.
Electric shocking toys (and demonstrations for the brave) 😉
There will be a chance to have a go on both the operating and receiving ends.

The demo is free for anyone with a market ticket ( £3 ) and will start at 3pm.